Play Center Only - Super Pass - Other Waiver of Liability

Conditions of Entry to Play/Activities at Leisure Max. Failure to abide by these conditions of entry can and may result in patrons being requested to leave the Premises. Patrons must register at reception on arrival.

• All children must be accompanied by a responsible adult aged 18 or over who must remain on the premises and supervise the child/ren at all times. This condition applies to children visiting the Premises for any reason including but not limited to general admittance, parties and events.

• Staff do not provide a supervisory function.

• Patrons should exercise care at all times in the use of the facilities at the Premises and should have respect for the safety and enjoyment of other patrons.

• Patrons must abide by all directions given by staff and failure to do so may result in removal from the Premises.

• Patrons must abide by all notices and safety signage in place at the Premises.

• Patrons acknowledge that all reasonable efforts have been made to provide a low risk environment at the Premises however children who attend the Premises will engage in physical activity and as such there is an inherent risk of injury.

• Patrons shall accept that no liability shall attach to the Premises for injury, damage or loss suffered to any person as a result of an accident or as a result of the actions of another patron.

• Patrons agree to waive all rights to make a claim in connection with any injury, damage or loss arising from the use of the Premises.

• Patrons agree to indemnify the Premises against all claims made by any person in respect of injury, loss or damage suffered as a result of the actions of any other

• Patrons shall report any incidents or accidents to staff immediately on occurrence.

• Patrons shall accept that the Premises is not responsible for any loss or damage in respect of the personal belongings of patrons while they are in attendance at the Premises.

• At the end of each session, patrons must leave the premises in a timely manner.

• Responsible adults agree to sign this waiver and acknowledgement of the conditions of entry to the Premises on behalf of the children for whom they have accepted responsibility while on the Premises.

• Patrons agree to the retention of this waiver by the Premises for a period of four years from the date of same. I have understood the Conditions of Entry to the Premises and have explained same to the child/ren/ student for whom I am responsible. I agree that I and the child/ren for whom I am responsible will abide by and are bound by all conditions of entry as set out above.

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Play Center Only - Super Pass - Other



Child’s Full Name

Child’s Date of Birth

Child No.1



Child No.2



Child No.3



Child No.4



Child No.5



Child No.6




Conditions of Entry to Play/Activities at Leisure Max. Failure to abide by these conditions of entry can and may result in patrons being requested to leave the Premises. Patrons must register at reception on arrival.


• All children must be accompanied by a responsible adult aged 18 or over who must remain on the premises and supervise the child/ren at all times. This condition applies to children visiting the Premises for any reason including but not limited to general admittance, parties and events.

• Staff do not provide a supervisory function.

• Patrons should exercise care at all times in the use of the facilities at the Premises and should have respect for the safety and enjoyment of other patrons.

• Patrons must abide by all directions given by staff and failure to do so may result in removal from the Premises.

• Patrons must abide by all notices and safety signage in place at the Premises.

• Patrons acknowledge that all reasonable efforts have been made to provide a low risk environment at the Premises however children who attend the Premises will engage in physical activity and as such there is an inherent risk of injury.

• Patrons shall accept that no liability shall attach to the Premises for injury, damage or loss suffered to any person as a result of an accident or as a result of the actions of another patron.

• Patrons agree to waive all rights to make a claim in connection with any injury, damage or loss arising from the use of the Premises.

• Patrons agree to indemnify the Premises against all claims made by any person in respect of injury, loss or damage suffered as a result of the actions of any other

• Patrons shall report any incidents or accidents to staff immediately on occurrence.

• Patrons shall accept that the Premises is not responsible for any loss or damage in respect of the personal belongings of patrons while they are in attendance at the Premises.

• At the end of each session, patrons must leave the premises in a timely manner.

• Responsible adults agree to sign this waiver and acknowledgement of the conditions of entry to the Premises on behalf of the children for whom they have accepted responsibility while on the Premises.

• Patrons agree to the retention of this waiver by the Premises for a period of four years from the date of same. I have understood the Conditions of Entry to the Premises and have explained same to the child/ren/ student for whom I am responsible. I agree that I and the child/ren for whom I am responsible will abide by and are bound by all conditions of entry as set out above.

Email address___________________              Contact No.__________________

Signature of Parent/Responsible Adult: ________________________________

Print name of Parent/Responsible Adult: _______________________________

Date: ____________________________